You can book your first free coaching session with one of our volunteer coaches. Just fill in the form on this page and choose one or two subjects that you would like to deal with. We will contact you and we will enter you in our programme as soon as possible.
We, the coaches of Centro Italiano Wingwave, have created the volunteer programme “We stay close together – without borders (Siamo Vicini senza frontiere). This programme is meant to support and accompany people going through a stressful time. People who now need more understanding, as well as help in managing the defying challenges of everyday life, when our habits and our security are endangered. The effectiveness of Wingwave Coaching has been scientifically proven , mainly in crisis and change management.
Centro Italiano Wingwave chose to be close to you in this difficult time, when you are forced to stay at home and go through the present situation in a very extraordinary and strict way.
“Siamo vicini – We stay close together” means that besides being close with our hearts and joining our efforts to help each other, we are close to our homes, close to every region and every Italian town and village, without exception. We, the coaches of the Italian Wingwave Centre (Centro Italiano Wingwave), want to be close to you, devoting our time and our presence for you.
The volunteer initiative “Siamo Vicini senza frontiere” is addressed to those who really need help present, challenging times.
We started a programme of online coaching by call, or video call . You will get an answer very quickly, just fill in the form above and you will receive immediately the instructions how to start a session with one of our coaches. We ask you for a Little patience in order to be able to process the received applications.
We will publish here other free initiatives that we are preparing.